Posts made in November, 2021

Risks or Side Effects of LASIK Eye Surgery

»Posted by on Nov 8, 2021 in Eye Services | 0 comments

If you are one of those people who are fed up wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses, you probably have thought of undergoing LASIK eye surgery. LASIK eye surgery is the most commonly performed laser method for treating eyes and is one of the most popular among people too.   

However, the treatment does have side effects and even risks. So, you may as well stick with your glasses Houston, and read this article before you decide on undergoing the surgery for good.  

The treatment is generally safe and complications like loss of vision are extremely rare to happen when you do the surgery, although this depends on several factors, and this is why doing examinations and consulting your doctor is a must thing to do. Moreover, although severe complications are rare, mild side effects are fairly common, and they are temporary too.   

The following are the risks of LASIK surgery that you need to be aware of:  

Flap problems – the surgery includes folding and/or removing the flap from the eye and depending on many factors, this can cause flap problems. The tissue may grow abnormally during the entire healing process.  

Glare and double vision – after the surgery, you would have difficulty seeing at night and this might last for a couple of days or a week. Moreover, your sensitivity to light would also heighten and would see halos when you are exposed to bright lights, or you may even experience double vision.   

Astigmatism – if the tissue were removed unevenly, this might cause astigmatism and this may need you to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses, or even further surgery.   

Dry eyes – your eyes would be dry and this can last up to six months. However, the good news is, this does not last longer than six months and this will surely would go away. If it persists, seek medical attention.   

Overcorrection – when the doctor has removed too much tissue from your eye, this will result in overcorrection and this will be a difficult fix.  

Undercorrections – when the doctor has removed little tissue than necessary, this results in under corrections and you will end up not achieving the clear vision you dreamed of.   

Regression – this means that your vision will go back to its original state and although very rare, this can happen.   

Vision changes or loss – it is also rare to happen but complications may result in a change of vision into worse or a loss of vision. This is something extremely rare to happen, so you need not worry. Just make sure that you are with the right doctor.   

In addition, you will need to know some conditions that will increase the side effects or risks:  

  • An HIV or a weakened immune system  
  • Dry eyes that are persistent  
  • Eyes inflammation or injuries  

Before undergoing LASIK eye surgery, it is advised that you contact your doctor and see if you are ready to take the surgery and are really committed to the healing process. If you think you cannot take it, you might as well stick to the eyeglasses and lenses until you make up your mind. 


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